Our International Advisory Board
Our International Advisory Board
Our International Advisory Board (IAB) 国际咨议局 is the most senior group of advisors made up of global professionals who are considered to be world leading in their professions.
Our board advisors have supported UKFCP over the years through their organisations or within their capacities. They also help us vision how best the economic and social values of our professional community can be created and recognised for the common good. Members of our IAV who are by invitation only, cover a wide range of sectors and geographical locations.
Our International Advisory Board (IAB) 国际咨议局 is the most senior group of advisors made up of global professionals who are considered to be world leading in their professions.
Our board advisors have supported UKFCP over the years through their organisations or within their capacities. They also help us vision how best the economic and social values of our professional community can be created and recognised for the common good. Members of our IAV who are by invitation only, cover a wide range of sectors and geographical locations.
Local Engagement,
Global Advancement.
The UK Federation of Chinese Professionals
英国华专会 UKFCP or in short, FCP, is a national community organisation for local Chinese professionals in all disciplines who make a difference globally. We develop charitable and economic initiatives for the benefit of the society.
The UKFCP is amongst the leading overseas Chinese professional community organisations in the world. We contribute to the advancement of a multicultural community of over 200,000 professionals in the UK.
Built upon the foundation of Young Chinese Professionals since its innovation was established at the Scottish Parliament in 2010, the UKFCP has developed itself across the UK in response to the growing demands of our regional communities.
The UKFCP has four pillars - unite, support, develop and promote global Chinese professionals in the country and of the future. You can learn more of our four pillars from the website menu above.
The Federation brings together our 4 professional associations -
London Chinese Professionals
Scottish Chinese Profesisonals
Welsh Chinese Professionals
Young Chinese Professionals UK
Our professional associations are governed as independent entities and have their own executive committees. They share overall commitments and are integral to the make-up of the Federation, which is led by the Chair and Conveners.
Together, UKFCP comprises of 4 professional associations, 4 professional chapters, 18 professional groups, a sector council of 3 steering committees, a national executive committee, and an international advisory board.
We define 'a professional' as to a person who has or had an experience being in a profession. This includes professional students and retired veterans. 'Chinese' is not only for those from China but also across the Sinophone world.

The character 业 in the centre means industries, career and the good for the society. It also manifests our four pillers on a horizontal line as our professional standard
The UK Federation of Chinese Professionals is a national community organisation for local Chinese professionals in all disciplines who make a difference globally.
Our membership is open to professionals of all ethnic and professional backgrounds who are interested in supporting our community and cross country partnerships for the benefit of our society in the UK. You can join us from the age of 18 to however young at heart you can get.
As a community engaging organisation, we are a caring social contributor, a global talent bank, a desired partner for innovation and a thriving economic hub. We believe in what we are doing because we have an unceasing passion for our wonderful and multicultural society.