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Our Professional Groups (Progroups)

In the UK, we find Chinese professionals in all walks of life, thriving as part of the intergrated society. Each professional pocesses specific skills experiences that can be classified into at least one profession. We have a wide range of professional groups (Progroups) 业界委员会 that represent specific industries and professions.

Members can join at least one pro-group to engage in social gatherings, knowledge transfer seminars and projects with other likeminded members that enable them to progress beyond their daily work.

UKFCP holds 18 professional groups that make up our 5 sector groups (Arts & Culture, Business, Education, Public and STEM). Every group is member-led that consists of a group chair, vice chairs and executive committee members. They organise events, engage with members in their pro-group, and manage projects that add values to our professional community, their specific industry, the Federation, and the wider society. 



Our 18 Progroups can be joined when you apply for your FCP membership:

Arts, Culture and Fashion


Accounting, Banking, Consultancy and Finance

Charity, Social Enterprise and Voluntary

Construction and Property




Engineering and Energy




Health and Care 

Hospitality, Leisure and Tourism

Human Resources


IT and Telecom




Marketing and PR




Politics and Public Sector


Retail and Sales




Technology, Research, Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Science (TRIES)

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