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UKFCP GIG Programme

The UKFCP GIG Programme offers a specialist matchmaking platform for UK-China employers and professional GIG workers to grow businesses by offering and accepting virtual work on this ongoing programme. 

The global population of GIG workers continues to grow, while a large part of our Chinese professional community tends to be self-made entrepreneurs. And as the trend of virtualising businesses is unstoppable, the global GIG economy is still yet to reach its full potential. 

We actively engage with organisations that need to get their work done. Unlike other freelancing platforms you can find, we actually match your businesses by our team member not by a robot! You may think such slow matchmaking is not going anywhere, but it is the personal support we care about at our community association. There are plenty of platforms out there, we only do what we are good at.

If you are a work provider, your work can reach some of the best talents that we may have worked with before, therefore we always carry out our referrals, in Chinese, you may call it 'Guan Xi'.

If you are a GIG worker, by registering on our programme, you will receive job opportunities that may not be found on the market. And you will enter into contract with us.

We spend a lot of time to develop skillful professionals on our programme. We are not so fond of offering new workers for every project unless they are impressive enough, when we already have the best.

Our GIG Programme is suitable for

- Professional Freelancer

- Professionals seeking for Part Time Work

- Business Consulting Firm

- Recruitment Agency

- Independent Contractor

- Online Platform Worker

- Contract Firm Worker

- On-Call Worker

- Temporary Worker

- Professional Student seeking for Career Experience



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